Begin Main Content Area

Use the Ribbon

About the Ribbon

The Ribbon in SharePoint 2013 is similar to the Ribbon in SharePoint 2010.  The Ribbon is the main way to manage content for a page.  An overview of the SharePoint 2013 Ribbon for Commonwealth websites is below.  



From the Ribbon


  • Edit - Selecting ‘Edit’ not only 'Checks Out' your page but also brings it into edit mode. This will allow you to change, remove, or add content to your pages. Only one person can edit a page at a time
  • New - When Selecting 'New' a new page will be created
  • Check In - When you 'Check In' a page, you make a draft version of the page. Other users will be able to login and view your changes but the general public will not be able to view your changes
  • Check Out - Before you can edit a page, you must check it out, much like checking out a library book. If you 'Check Out' the page, other users will not be able to work on that page. This will not bring your page into edit mode but merely checks out the page to your name and prevents others from accessing it
  • Discard Check Out - By selecting ‘Discard Check Out’, under the ‘Check In’ dropdown, your page will be brought back to the way it looked before you 'Checked Out' the page, discarding any changes
  • Override Check Out - If someone else has a page 'Checked Out' to their name, you have the option to override their checkout. Whoever had the page 'Checked Out' will lose all of their changes, and you will be able to 'Checked Out' the page in your name. It is not recommended to use this option unless there is an emergency situation


  • Edit Properties - Edit properties allows you to change the metadata properties for the page (page content type, title, and URL name)
  • View Properties - ‘View Properties’, under ‘Edit Properties’ allows you to view the metadata properties for the page
  • Page History - The ‘Page History’ button allows you to view the version history of a page and access the Recycle Bin.
    • Version history allows you to view the history of a page, including its current status. It displays the currently published major version, if there is one, and all drafts of the page. 
    • The Version History page also shows who edited the page and when. If you want more information about a specific version, you can select a version by date, time or version number on the left in this view. 
    • You can also restore to a previous version, by selecting ‘Restore this version’ in the view. 
    • The Recycle Bin is located on the left in ‘Page History’. The Recycle Bin holds any documents, images or pages that have been deleted from the current site for 30 days. If you need to restore an item from your Recycle Bin, you can select a checkbox next to that item and select ‘Restore selection’
  • Page Permissions - ‘Page Permissions’ allows you to set unique permissions for each subsite
  • Delete Page - The ‘Delete’ option will delete the current page and add it to a Recycle Bin

Share & Track

  • Email a Link - The ‘Email a Link’ button will open a new mail message containing a link to the page you are currently viewing
  • Alert Me - ‘Alert Me’ allows you to set an email notification when items change on the page

Page Actions

  • Preview - ‘Preview’ allows you to see a preview of the current page in a new window without the toolbar
  • Page Layout - ‘Page Layout’ allows you to apply a new page layout to the page (page must be in edit mode for this option to work)
  • Make Homepage - This feature is NOT recommended and may be disabled - ‘Make Homepage’ allows you to make the current page the homepage of your website.
  • Incoming Links - ‘Incoming Links’ shows you all other pages within your site that link to your current page.
  • Draft Check - ‘Draft Check’ allows you to check for any unpublished items on your page, including documents and images.

Page Library

  • Library Settings - ‘Library Settings’ takes you to the library settings page for the current site’s library. 
  • Library Permissions - ‘Library Permissions’ allows you to add, change, or remove permissions for the current site’s library. 
  • View all Pages- ‘View all pages’ shows you all pages created under the current site.


View the Save and Publish Page for more information.