Begin Main Content Area

Save and Publish 


The Save feature will keep any changes you make to a page and create a new minor version of the page.  Save is located in the Page tab of the ribbon.  There are a few options available with regard to saving:

Save & Close

Clicking the Save icon the Page tab on the ribbon will save all changes to the page and will turn off the editing mode.  A new minor version of the page will also be created (e.g., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc.)  A checked out page will continue to be checked out.  Please note:  you do not have to check out a page in order to make changes, but it is recommended to do so. 

Save and Keep Editing

Save and Keep Editing will save all changes to the page but will keep the page in editing mode.  A new minor version of the page will also be created.  A checked out page will continue to be checked out.  This is intended if you plan on making more changes while the page is open in editing mode.  Just like any other document, it is recommended that you save at frequent intervals if you will be making many changes.  

Stop Editing

Stop Editing will cancel any changes to the page and will turn off the editing mode.  This feature will effectively cancel any changes that were made once the page was placed in the edit mode.  A checked out page will continue to be checked out.  


Publish will send a page to the Production version of your Commonwealth agency website.  Publish is located in the Publish tab of the ribbon.  Please note:  make sure to verify your changes on your page before clicking Publish.  

Content Deployment

Publishing does not occur immediately.  Rather, it adheres to a Content Deployment cycle.  Publishing will place a page (or other SharePoint resource) in the queue for deployment to the production version of your Commonwealth agency website.  

At the top and mid-point at the hour, this cycle will check for and apply any pending changes ready to be made on the production version of the website.  For example, Content Deployment cycles will run at 1:00 P.M, 1:30 P.M, 2:00 P.M., etc. Changes on the production site will finalize a few minutes later.  Thus, if you Publish changes to a page at 1:10 P.M, you can expect to see the changes reflected on the production version of your Commonwealth agency website around 1:35 P.M.  Please note:  you may need to do a "hard refresh" to immediately see changes.  This can be done in most browsers by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing F5 on your keyboard.  


Workflows are a process that occurs after the Publish function has been initiated but before the change is applied to the production version of the Commonwealth agency website.  Workflows are set up so that others may view and approve changes before they are made to the production site.  For more information about workflows or to request a workflow be implemented for your Commonwealth agency website, please contact the Service Desk.