Begin Main Content Area

Create a New Page

Pages are the files that are viewed by a visitor to a Commonwealth agency website and contain various types of content (text, images, links, etc.) and can be created in multiple ways. 

From Content and Structure

You can create a new page anywhere on your Commonwealth agency website from within the Content and Structure area of SharePoint 2013.  To create a new page from within the Content and Structure area:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top-right of a page

  2. Settings menu will display;  click Site Settings

  3. Site Settings page will display.  Under the Site Administration section, click Content and structure.

  4. Site Content and Structure view will display.  Navigate to the subsite where you would like to create a new page.  If you first need to create a new subsite, please see instructions on Create a New Subsite

  5. Click the Pages folder for the subsite that will contain the new page.

  6. On the top menu of the right-side panel, click New then click Page

  7. Create Page will display.  Complete the following fields
    • Title:  the display name of the new page;  this is what will appear on the browser tab and at the top of the content area.  
    • Description:  an optional field to provide additional information about the page. 
    • URL Name:  the file name of the new page;  this is what will appear in the address bar for a visitor's web browser.  Pages with more than one word in the Title will automatically replace the spaces with a dash.  
    • Page Layout:  the type of page layout to be used for the page, which determines the number and locations of columns.  Please see Edit a Page for more information about page layouts. 
  8. Once complete, click the Create button.  The new page will appear in the Pages folder of the current subsite. 

From Another Page in Same Subsite

You can also create a new page while viewing any other page within the same subsite.  To create a new page from within the same subsite:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top-right of a page

  2. Settings menu will display;  click Add a page. 

  3. Add a page window will appear.  Type in a name for the page then click Create

  4. A new page will be created and checked out to you.  You can immediately begin to edit the page or can click either Save or Check In to save the page and edit later.  The new page will appear in the Pages folder of the current subsite.