Begin Main Content Area

Create a New Subsite

About Sites and Subsites

A site is a basic structural component of a Commonwealth agency website in SharePoint.  A site identifies a logical group of pages and supporting files.  Each Commonwealth agency website has one overarching (i.e., top-level) site that was initially setup when your agency's website was first built.  Sites can be created within one another to form the structure of your agency's website. 

A subsite is any site that is contained within another site.   and any number of additional subsites.  This site structure is organized in a hierarchy and is intended to allow website administrators to group similar content together and for website visitors to easily navigate.  Whenever you create a site within your Commonwealth agency website, it will always be within another site, and thus is referred to as a subsite. 

From Content and Structure

You can create a new subsite anywhere on your Commonwealth agency website from within the Content and Structure area of SharePoint 2013.  To create a new site from within the Content and Structure area:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top-right of a page

  2. Settings menu will display;  click Site Settings

  3. Site Settings page will display.  Under the Site Administration section, click Content and structure.

  4. Site Content and Structure view will display.  Navigate to the site in which you would like to create a new subsite. 

  5. In the right-side panel, click New then click Site.  

    Alternatively, you can also hover over the containing site in the left-side panel and click the pull down menu to select New then Site

  6. New SharePoint Site page display.  Complete the following fields. 
    • Title:  the display name of the new subsite;  this is what will appear in the breadcrumb trail on pages. 
    • Description:  an optional field to provide additional information about the subsite. 
    • URL Name:  the address name of the new site;  this is what will appear in the address bar for a visitor's web browser.  If your site has more than one word, replace the spaces with hyphens to meet Accessibility best practices. 
    • Select a Template:  this is pre-configured and can be skipped. 
    • User Permissions:  this is pre-configured and can be skipped. 
    • User the top link bar from the parent site? :  If not already selected, click to select Yes.  This will ensure that items on your top navigation bar stay the same throughout your entire website.   
  7. Once complete, click the Create button.  The new subsite will appear in the containing site's structure. 

From Site Contents

You can create a new subsite within the current site you are viewing in your Commonwealth agency website from the Site Contents area of SharePoint 2013.  To create a new site from Site Contents area:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top-right of a page.

  2. Settings menu will display;  click Site contents

  3. Site Contents page will display.  If you need to navigate to the site which will contain your new subsite, use the menus along the top.  

  4. Once you are viewing the Site Contents page of the site that will contain your new subsite, scroll down to the Subsites area then click new subsite

  5. New SharePoint Site page display.  Complete the following fields. 
    • Title:  the display name of the new subsite;  this is what will appear in the breadcrumb trail on pages. 
    • Description:  an optional field to provide additional information about the subsite. 
    • URL Name:  the address name of the new site;  this is what will appear in the address bar for a visitor's web browser.  If your site has more than one word, replace the spaces with hyphens to meet Accessibility best practices. 
    • Select a Template:  this is pre-configured and can be skipped. 
    • User Permissions:  this is pre-configured and can be skipped. 
    • User the top link bar from the parent site? :  If not already selected, click to select Yes.  This will ensure that items on your top navigation bar stay the same throughout your entire website.   
  6. Once complete, click the Create button.  The new subsite will appear in the containing site's structure.