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Content Editor ‭[1]‬

Carousel Slider

Visit the PAI Training Site

The management and maintenance of a SharePoint site requires several different types of users with varying levels of responsibility and permission. SharePoint organizes these users into the following groups with their associated abilities: Hierarchy Manager, Agency Setting Manager, and Approver.
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Learn About Enterprise Features

​Users may have multiple roles. For example, a user can serve as a Hierarchy Manager and an Approver. Users MUST be an Approver to approve (i.e. being in the role of a Hiearchy Manager does not include permission to approve items). The Approve option will make the information accessible on your LIVE/Production Site to your site visitors.

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Need Help?

Each Commonwealth Agency will have at least one designated Agency Trainer tasked with familiarizing Content Authors with their agency website and providing a fundamental understanding of SharePoint content management.  Agency Trainers have attended a three-hour training course, provided by PAI, enabling them to provide basic training to their agency's Content Authors.

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Content Editor ‭[2]‬

Image Sliders

The Image Slider option was created to provide agencies with a website content zone that can handle dynamic content.

It is suggested that this only be used on the HomePage above the Dashboard.

Image Slider User Guide (PDF) - updated 2/5/2019

Simple Slider can be seen above.

Summary Slider:
