Begin Main Content Area


h1 - 48px - 2.67rem

h2 - 42px - 2.34rem

h3 - 34px - 1.89rem

h4 - 28px - 1.56rem

p - 16px - 1rem

*please note sizes are smaller in mobile


Montserrat - Bold - 700

Montserrat - Normal - 400


Base Light & Dark Colors

Used for body text, backgrounds, and light / dark theming.
Light Grey: #ebebeb
White: #fafafa
Slate: #464646
Escape Button: #ffe066
Copyright Color: #003146

Agency Color Picker - Primary Colors

Primary colors all have an AA or AAA rating, and can be inverted.
Used as the Top Nav background, button colors, and icon coloring.
Green: #00853f
Light Blue: #247ab0
(Default) Blue: #2a578d
Red: BF311a

Agency Color Picker - Agency Brand Colors

Off-palette, yet essential to their brands, these colors were specifically requested. They rate at AA or above, so they are considered primary brand colors. 
Black: #404040
PGC Green: #616d45