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SharePoint Template
Release Notes

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Description of Deployment
SharePoint Deployment 09/22/21


  1. Top Navigation Agency Title  
    • Updated the break points for the agency title in the top navigation to display the abbreviated title in mobile view
SharePoint Deployment 8/25/2021

  1. Tables

    • The user can now navigate tables with arrow commands
    • The content that is being read will now have a focus state 
    • A screen reader will specifically read what is in focus, instead of reading the entire row 

  1. Color Contrast 

    • Fixed a color contrast issue affecting three SharePoint color themes

  1. Forms and Pubs

    • Fixed a bug affecting the text and logo on the Forms and Pubs feature

SharePoint Deployment 9/9/2021


  1. Forms and Pubs
    • Fixed a style issue with the drop down fields and table view on Forms and Pubs 
SharePoint Deployment 8/11/2021


  • Popular Feature
    • Added an error message to display when the Popular Feature is turned on but is missing the Google Analytics ID

SharePoint Deployment 07/14/2021


  1. List and Location
    • Updated the new category field to be multiselect, if you would like (user perspective and agency perspective)


  1. Tables
    • Can now have links in the header columns for the table and fixed a contrast issue.
SharePoint Deployment 06/23/2021


  1. Social Media Tags
    • For Facebook, added fb:app_id: 
      • In order to use Facebook Insights you must add the app ID to your page. Insights lets you view analytics for traffic to your site from Facebook. Find the app ID in your App Dashboard.
    • For Twitter, made the Twitter Card field a dropdown instead of a text field
    • For more information on Social Media Tags visit the Training Website.
  2. Forms and Pubs
    • Improved accessibility

SharePoint Deployment 06/16/2021


  1. Top Navigation
    • Improved accessibility
  2. Calendar
    • Improved accessibility
SharePoint Deployment 05/26/2021


  1. Subsite Homepage Layout - (Subsite Alerts)
    • There is a new page layout called Subsite Homepage.  This page layout will allow for alerts to show (from the homepage alerts or unique subsite alerts).  For more information visit the new page on the Training Website.
SharePoint Deployment 05/06/2021


  1. PAI Mobile Tables
  2. List / Location Feature


  1. List / Location Feature
    • This feature no longer works on Internet Explorer, we have added messaging if someone tries to use this feature in IE.
  2. Calendar Feature
    • It was noticed that our IE messaging did not show if someone was in compatibility mode, this has been updated to include those users.
SharePoint Deployment 04/08/2021


  1. Old Dashboard Layout (removed)
    • Has been completely removed from page layouts and settings and is no longer available.  Thank you to all agencies who updated their pages to remove this page layout!


  1. Blog
    • Bug remedied regarding timestamps for the articles
    • Bug remedied for the preview not showing on the authoring side
  2. Popular Feature
    • Bug remedied for responsive viewing across multiple width resolutions

SharePoint Notification

Good Afternoon,

We have seen some changes with Twitter and sharing pages from SharePoint.  It seems like Twitter has changed the look of the Summary card to be more like the player card. If you liked the look of the old Summary card, we suggest updating your SEO Twitter Card to Summary_large_image (we have confirmed this change works).  For more information or to view what these look like please see the Twitter section on the SEO Training Page.

Thank you!

SharePoint Deployment 03/25/2021


  1. Blog
    • We have changed the way you add images per article and per blog logo.
    • You will now upload with a link instead of attachment, this will have alt text associated with the image and will utilize image renditions.
    • For more information please visit the Blog Training Page.
  2. Top Categories
    • You can now change the order of the top categories column category (it will be in the order you put the choices in the column setting).
    • For more information on how to do this please see the user guide for the Homepage Layout Settings on the Homepage Training Page.
SharePoint Deployment 03/18/2021


  1. Mobile Responsive Tables
    • We have created a table style that will be more mobile responsive than the standard SharePoint table.  For information on adding this style see the "PAI Mobile Design Style" on the Tables page on the Training Website.
    • We highly suggest reading the guidelines around adding tables to your website.  You can find those guidelines on the table page as well.
    • Please note: Currently you can not use this style on more than one table on a single page.  You can not have links in the column headers at this time. (we are working on these fixes)


  1. Enterprise Calendar
    • We added a category option within the calendar.  Add your categories on the admin.  Allow the user to select categories in the dropdown to view events by category.  For more information visit the Enterprise Calendar Page on the Training Website.

SharePoint Deployment 3/4/2021


  1. Forms and Pubs Feature
    • We have transformed the forms and pubs webpart to be its own standing application page. The look and feel remains the same, however, instead of being located on the page, you will need to link out to the application URL. Directions can be found on the Training Website.
    • For users who currently have forms and pubs, all data will need to be migrated from one library to another. To follow these steps, please follow the Walkthrough document found on the Training Website. This transfer should occur before the upgrade to SharePoint 2019 (Timeline TBD). If you need help, please submit a service desk ticket.
SharePoint Deployment 03/01/2021


  1. Alerts Feature
    • Fixed the white text on the alert details page
    • Fixed global alert links to be clickable 
SharePoint Deployment 2/26/21


  1. Alerts Feature
    • We fixed the color of the text of the alerts to stay consistently white, this should look correct on auth/prod.  You may need to clear your cache one time to see the change.​
SharePoint Deployment 02/19/2021


  1. List / Location Feature
    • We have implemented a solution to fix the map error we have been receiving.  However, please note at the moment, the automatic address feature isn't working. SharePoint editors will need manually add the geo location or Use my location.  Directions can be found on the Training Page, see section 3.4 to read about what changed.
SharePoint Deployment 02/18/2021


  1. Typography
    • Header sizes have been updated, please see the training page for new sizes.
  2. Images
    • All images are now required to have alt text filled out when uploaded.  Users will still need to fill in the alt text in the ribbon when adding an image to content. For more information, please see the images section on the training page.
  3. Homepage News Feed
    • There is now an alt text box for Homepage News Images if using a standard image in the settings.  For more information , please see the updated instructions on the training page.
  4. County Map
    • The County Map feature now has a category option, please see the training page for examples and instructions.


  1. Dashboard Homepage Layout going away 3/18/21, for more information see the last release note on the training page.

SharePoint Notification

Good Morning,

In September, you were notified that the Dashboard Page Layout (three columns, with icons, images and content) would be removed

Any agency utilizing this Dashboard layout found at the bottom of the training page will need to switch to another available layout. 

Our recommendation is to switch to one of the other three available homepage layouts.  If this current dashboard layout is being utilized on an internal page, we suggest using the three column page layout. 

The Governor's Office has asked that this layout be removed by 3/18/2021.  If you need help moving data or have questions, please contact the service desk.

*For agencies utilizing this page layout on internal pages (not the homepage), we will be reaching out individually to provide URLs to those pages.

Thank you and have a nice week!

SharePoint Deployment 12/17/2020


  • Alert Feature
    • Fixed an inconsistency in design for the Alert Feature
  • Banner Image Feature
    • Fixed a bug causing the image to break on the Banner Image Feature
SharePoint Deployment 12/03/2020


  • Top Navigation 
    1. Fixed a bug concerning unwanted additional pages being added to the topnav feature. 
SharePoint Deployment 11/19/2020

  • List/Loaction Feature
    1. Fixed a bug concerning broken links when a website would utilize Google Tag Manager tags and the list/location feature

SharePoint Deployment 11/12/2020


  1. Slider
    • Accessibility updates have been added to the feature
  2. Governor's Goals
    • Accessibility updates have been added to the feature
  3. Homepage Layout News
    • Accessibility updates have been added to the feature
  4. Homepage Layout - Content Tiles
    • Accessibility updates have been added to the feature
  5. Top Navigation (mobile)
    • Accessibility updates have been added to the feature
  6. Homepage Banner (carousel)
    • Accessibility updates have been added to the feature

SharePoint Notification

​Good Morning, 

For those that utilize our media website, we want you to be aware that we removed the field for As of over a year ago all items added to the media website were being uploaded to no matter if this field was being selected or not. Communication should have came from Krystal Bonner, we are doing minor clean up today. 

SharePoint Notification
Please be advised that effective 09/30/2020 at 5:00 pm document versioning will be limited to 5 versions for each document on SharePoint document libraries.

This urgent change has become necessary to improve site performance, by reducing the large volume of outdated document versions stored in SharePoint.  

This change will only be made on the libraries named “Documents” and “Site Collection Documents”. Other libraries will not be impacted at this time.

Please also note, that since most documents are created and maintained outside of SharePoint, and then uploaded for use on websites, we recognize that storage of only the most recent version of the document is necessary. As such, we will continue to evaluate the capacity utilized by this versioning feature to determine if additional modifications will be necessary to improve SharePoint performance.

If you have any questions or concerns about these changes please contact the Service Desk, as soon as possible.

Thank you!

SharePoint Deployment 09/17/2020


  1. Top Categories Page Layout and Top Categories (with news/tiles) Page Layout (homepage layouts)
    • For more information on what it looks like and how to use it visit the Training Page and User Guide
    • Please note this will eventually replace the old Dashboard Page Layout (three columns, with icons, images, and content), a timeline will be supplied after a discussion with the Governor's Office, we highly recommend moving to one of the other homepage layouts sooner rather than later.


  1. Media / News Website Updates
    • Made some style changes
    • Added the ability to add a subheadline and an image to articles (including an image rendition)
    • These images will tie back to the homepage layout media images
    • For more information visit the Training Page and User Guide to see how to implement
SharePoint Deployment 09/10/2020


  1. Accordion
    • Fixed another H3 issue regarding spacing
SharePoint Deployment 09/09/2020


  1. Accordion Feature
    • There seemed to be an issue with using Header 3 in the accordion content, this has been resolved
  2. List / Location Map Feature
    • Added Category Title for the Category dropdown on the front end
SharePoint Deployment 09/03/2020


  1. Accordion
    • Accessibility updates have been added to the feature

SharePoint Deployment 08/27/2020


  1. Homepage Banner / Subsite Images
    • Added another Image Rendition specifically for the default homepage and subsites, visit the How To Page for more information
    • Please remember to use JPGs for banner images (it will help with load speeds)

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