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Modify Navigation

Tile Navigation

  1. Start by navigating to the subsite you want to modify. If you are modifying the top-level navigation, start at the homepage. If you are modifying a subsite’s navigation, start at the landing (default) page of that subsite.
  2. Locate your ‘gear' menu from the upper right corner and select ‘Site Settings’

  3. Under the section ‘Look and Feel’, select ‘Navigation'
  4. Once on the page, scroll down to find the 'Structural Navigation: Editing and Sorting' section where you will see all of the pages and subsites you have created directly under your top-level site. Here you have the option to hide and move these items. If you are in the top-level navigation, you will only need to make edits to the items under ‘Current Navigation’
  5. Above is an example view of the top-level navigation. Here, you can move items and show or hide them.
*Please Note, as of 6/16/20, guidelines have been revised to suggest no more than 50 pages be under one subsite. Otherwise, you will be unable to see navigations items past this number.

Hide from Navigation

To hide a page/site from the navigation, select the page or site by clicking on it so that it is highlighted, and select ‘Hide’.  “(Hidden)” will appear beside the page/site name.

Remember, hiding items in your navigation does not mean a user cannot find a link to that page or site.  A user can always find a link by searching or if you create a link to that page or site in another area of your site. For example, you might have a section with news articles on your site. Each article sits on its own page. You do not want every article page showing up in your navigation so you would hide these articles so only the News subsite is an option in your navigation.

Move / Change Display Order Within Navigation

To change the order pages/sites appear on the navigation, select ‘Move Up’ or ‘Move Down’ in the view pictured above.   Tile landing pages are dynamically changing navigation elements that are responsive to mobile devices by stacking.


Add a Link to Navigation

To add a link to an already subsite or page that is located in another section of your agency website or an external URL, select ‘Add Link’, give the link a ‘Title’, add ‘URL’ (the URL of the page you are linking to), and press ‘OK’. 
It is not recommended to link to a document or external site in your navigation.


If you want the navigation on a subsite to be exactly the same as the top-level site, select ‘Display the same navigation items as the parent site’ 

If you want to hide all subsites under your subsite, uncheck ‘Show subsites’
If you want to hide all of the pages under your subsite, uncheck ‘Show pages’
