Begin Main Content Area

​Genesys Callback Widget

Install Instructions:

  1. Preparing the settings file JavaScript
    • Open the .txt file provided by Genesys
    • Change "widgets.min.js" to https://(sitename) 
    • Add to the bottom of the .txt file: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"  href="//(sitename)" />
    • Click Save
  2. Uploading the necessary files to SharePoint:
    • Navigate to{ YOUR SITE }/snippets/Forms/AllItems.aspx
      • If you are missing this library, just add a new library called snippets on the root site
    • Create a folder in "snippets" called "genesys"
    • In the "genesys" folder upload:
      1. The updated .txt file from step 1
      2. The widgets.min.js file provided by Genesys
      3. The widgets.min.css file here
  3. Installing the widget:
    • Create a new page in SharePoint or use an existing page that will eventually contain the callback widget.  (We recommend using a new page as a test before the final implementation.)
    • On the page created in step 3.a, add a new Content Editor Web Part
    • Add link to WebPart:
      1. Check the box in the top right corner of the new Web Part
      2. Select "Web Part Properties" (Located under the "Web Part" tab at the top of the page)
    • In the "Content Link" section on the right, type "snippets/genesys/(textfile_name).txt
    • Click "Test Link" to verify the link is correct
    • Scroll to the bottom of the properties pane and click "OK"

Once the widget has been shown to work correctly, Genesys will provide API keys that will need to be inserted at the top of the .txt file where labeled.