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Top Navigation​

The Top Nav will use the Site Navigation Settings of your SharePoint site to display top-level and child links.

The Top Nav can display up to five top-level links. However, if the Escape Button is displayed, only four top-level links may be shown.

Below the top level, up to ten sub-items may be shown. Attempting to show more than ten items is not recommended, as they will not be accessible to devices with certain resolutions (such as 1024x600). Text is limited to 30 characters. Ideally, all devices should be able to navigate to all sub-items.

There is also a Top Nav Settings page, where you can configure various settings for the Top Nav. These settings include:

  • Agency Logo (svg and png)
  • Social Media Preview Image (200px by 200px)
  • Agency Title (desktop and mobile)
  • Agency Abbreviation  (tablet)
  • Search Page Location
  • Google Translate Languages
  • Display Escape Button