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​SEO and Meta Tags

The SEO and Meta Tags have been created for Agencies because we have come into an age of Social Media Sharing and Google Searches.  PAI has implemented a way for Agencies to control the way their websites are presented to Google and add popular meta tags.

SEO and Social Media User Guide (PDF) - Updated 9/5/2019

The following is an explanation of each field and what is to be played there:


Revisit-After: This meta tag is a command to the robots to return to a page after a specific period of time.

Googlebot: These meta tags can control the behavior of search engine crawling and indexing. The robots meta tag applies to all search engines, while the "googlebot" meta tag is specific to Google. The default values are "index, follow" (the same as "all") and do not need to be specified. We understand the following values (when specifying multiple values, separate them with a comma):
  • noindex - Prevents the page from being indexed.
  • nofollow - Prevents the Googlebot from following links from this page.
  • nosnippet - Prevents a text snippet or video preview from being shown in the search results. For video, a static image will be shown instead, if possible.
  • noarchive - Prevents Google from showing the Cached link for a page.
  • unavailable_after:[date] - Lets you specify the exact time and date you want to stop crawling and indexing of this page.
  • noimageindex - Lets you specify that you do not want your page to appear as the referring page for an image that appears in Google search results.

Department: Large organization, if need to identify which part of the organization you fall under (bureaus, initiatives, committees under your agency).

Audience: Identified audience who would the information relevant (public, counties, etc.)

Doc-Status: More information related to a document URL.


Open Graph URL: The URL of the web page.

Open Graph Type: The type of the object or page you are describing. Some of the types that could be used include article, music.album,, and website (use website).

Open Graph Title: The title of your page. There is no limit on the number of characters, but it's best to stay between 60 and 90. If your title is longer than 100 characters, Facebook will truncate it to only 88 (example: About Us, Contact Us).

Open Graph Description: The description of the page. (255 character limit)

Open Graph Image URL:  The image you want to use when the page is shared. Using the og:image property is helpful if your page has several pictures and you want a particular image to be used.

Open Graph Site Name: the name which should be displayed for the overall site (use your agency name). 

Open Graph Locale:  The location of the information. By default, the locale value is en_US and is not needed unless the language is not English or it is outside the United States.

Open Graph Locale alternate: 

fb:app_id: In order to use Facebook Insights you must add the app ID to your page. Insights lets you view analytics for traffic to your site from Facebook. Find the app ID in your App Dashboard.

To test Facebook's open graph:


Twitter Card: This is the type of card it will display, it recommended to use one of the following
  1. Summary
  2. Summary_large_image
    To see what these look like, visit Twitter's Page
Image: Make sure to use the production URL for your image, NOT the auth URL

To test Twitter Card: 

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