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Managing Alerts

General Use Rules

Designated Commonwealth employees may publish Alerts to their Agency website.

Things to Know:

  • Alerts will be published based on the date and time designated by you and will appear on the Agency website homepage
  • The alert will display on the homepage until it has expired
  • An ​alert can be a link to an external site if you choose to enter a URL
  • Visitors can close the Alert dialog on the homepage by selecting the 'Close' option in the upper right corner of the alert box; however, the alert dialog will reappear upon refresh of browser

 Alert Severity levels are:

  • HIGH – Red bar
  • MEDIUM – Green bar
  • LOW – Blue bar

Adding Alerts

Access Alerts System

  • Visit the URL below, including your agency's designated abbreviation in the underlined section of the URL.
  • OR go to your authoring website and under the gear you will see an "Add an Alert" this will take you to the alerts list

Add an Alert

  1. Select 'Add New Item'
  2. Complete the following fields in the pop up window: 
    • Title - Title of the alert that displays on the homepage 
    • URL - (optional) If you have an external site you that contains more details of the alert, you may enter that URL here
  1. You may also type the description in the field below it; however, it will not be displayed to the user
  2. Start At - Date and time you want the alert bar to display on the homepage
  3. Expires - Date and time you no longer want the alert bar to display on the homepage
  4. Severity - Drop down menu with High, Medium, Low options and will determine the color of the alert severity - Drop down menu with High, Medium, Low options and will determine the color of the alert bar
  5. Display Order - If multiple alerts are set display at once, you can set the order the alerts will display.  This only works on alerts with the same severity
  6. Alert Description - You can enter additional details for the alert which will show on the 'More Details' page when this option is selected (this can be HTML code for links and formatting)
  7. Display Expired Date on Alert Banner - ​Select if you want the alert banner to show a viewer the time when the alert will expire
  8. Link to URL - Allows users to give a direct link to the URL given above and bypass the Alert Details page (new April 2020)
    • If there is an already existing alert, please delete and replace with a new one
    • Make sure the page your are directing the link to is already published and live in production prior to adding the alert (alerts are not effected by content deployment)
  9. Select 'Save'
  10. Reload your agency website and the alert will be displayed
    new alert item.PNG
  11. To check the description, select the alert bar. You will be directed to the 'Alerts Detail Page'

Edit Alert

  1. Select ‘Site Actions’ menu in the upper left corner
  2. Select 'Add an Alert' from the menu, login to the agency alert list page when prompted
  3. By default your agency list should be selected. Navigate to the alert you would like to edit
  4. Choose 'Edit item'
  5.  Modify the desired fields
  6. Select 'Save'

Delete Alert

  1. Locate your ‘Site Actions’ menu from the upper left corner and select ‘View All Site Content
  2. Select 'Add an Alert' from the menu, login to the agency alert list page when prompted
  3. By default your agency list should be selected. Navigate to the alert you would like to edit
  4. Select the check box to the left of the Alert item name 
  5. Choose 'Delete item' from the ribbon or by selecting the drop down menu to the right of the item name
  6. Select 'OK' when prompted to verify delete and send to the Recycle Bin.​

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