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 Web Accessibility
 Look for the "key step" icon in the step-by-step instructions on this website  for important web accessibility steps.

Policies, Standards, and Guidelines

As stated in the Office of Administration’s Information Technology Accessibility Policy (PDF), accessible Web sites ensure that as many people as possible can use Internet-based information and services, regardless of disability or functional limitation. Commonwealth agencies are required to produce accessible Web sites. In instances where complete accessibility is not achievable, information must be made available through alternative means.

Agencies are strongly advised to become familiar with, and adhere to the Commonwealth's Accessibility Policy.

To support the Commonwealth standards, PAI uses accessibility protocols outlined in US Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 to serve and assist in the following activities:
  • Provide web accessibility awareness and training
  • Conduct website testing and remediation
  • Build accessibility into new website development and major redesign efforts


Below are the resources distributed during the Accessibility Supplemental Session offered by Pennsylvania Interactive:

In addition to performing the aforementioned actions, Pennsylvania Interactive stays abreast of accessibility compliance procedures and best practices using a variety of resources:

Accessibility Scans

Agency site content is maintained by agency stakeholders, and Pennsylvania Interactive will conduct automated accessibility scans of agency sites, providing results to agency primary contacts regularly and upon request.


Looking how to create and verify a PDF is accessible? This website for Adobe should be able to help.


Pennsylvania Interactive also utilizes the following tools:

Content Editor